Small Batch Craft Coffee, Roasted and Shipped the Day You Order.

You Found Your Coffee Tribe
We offer specialty craft coffee.
All of our coffee is roasted and shipped the day you order it.
Here's why that's better:
When coffee is roasted, it undergoes a process called "degassing." That's when the beans release carbon dioxide for several days, and that's why freshly roasted beans need to "rest" before brewing.
That store bought coffee on the grocery shelf might be 6 months old or more. Here, your fresh roasted Lift the Love coffee arrives to you at the peak of freshness, generally in 5-7 days.
Shop By Roast

Coffee Certification Guide
Organic - produced without the aid of artificial chemical substances, such as certain additives or some pesticides and herbicides.
Grade A + Grade B (AB) - The A grade is sorted using a 6.8 mm screen while the B grade is sorted using a 6.2 mm screen. These two types of beans, A and B, are mixed together to form the grade AB. Though not as highly-valued as AA, AB is also popular and rates as a premium coffee.
Fair Trade (FT) - Fair Trade coffee helps support a better life for farming families in the developing world by guaranteeing farmers a minimum price, linking them directly with importers, and creating long-term environmental stewardship and sustainability. According to the Fair Trade website, "farmers earn better incomes, allowing them to hold on to their land and invest in quality."
A/X - A/X means that not only does the coffee cup well (Grade A) but also that the largest and smallest beans have not been included in the lot.
Strictly High Grown (SHG) - SHG which is synonymous with "strictly hard bean (SHB)" usually refers to coffee grown at altitudes higher than about 4,500 feet above sea level. Beans grown at high altitudes mature more slowly and grow to be harder and denser than beans grown at lower elevations.
European Preparation (EP) - “EP” means that the coffee is screen-size 15 and above, with a maximum of 8 defects within 300 grams. (Less common, “American preparation” or AP allows for a screen size above 13, with 23 defects per 300 grams.)
Natural - Refers to the dry process of preparing coffee beans for roasting . The dry process is the oldest method for preparing beans, and it often happens in regions with limited access to water, such as Ethiopia and Brazil.
Swiss Processing Method (Decaf) - A 4 step process consisting of cleaning and pre-soaking, extraction, carbon filtration and completion that removes caffeine from coffee beans.

Our Roasting Process
Our coffee profiles are all created using Ikawa sample roasters. Once the best roast level has been found for that lot, the coffee profile is transfered to 10KG drum roasters. The result is the freshest, small batch, craft roasted coffee available.