Foodie Love

Food Sensitivities and Your Health

Food Sensitivities and Your Health

Unlike food allergies, such as an allergy to peanuts or shellfish, food sensitivity reactions are rarely extreme or life threatening. However, food sensitivities are more common than most people realize and can subtly affect health as well as mood. While food sensitivities are often undiagnosed, there is a growing awareness of this issue as well as ways to detect food sensitivities. Food Allergy, Food Intolerance or Food Sensitivity? While similar, there are distinct differences between food allergies, a food intolerance and a food sensitivity. Let's explore the differences. Food allergies are an immune response, that trigger a histamine reaction within the...

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Why Your Body Needs Good Bacteria

Why Your Body Needs Good Bacteria

The body contains trillions of bacteria at any given moment. Not all these bacteria are harmful. In fact, good bacteria are important aids for the body. Here are some reasons why your body needs good bacteria, just as much as you need to reduce the bad bacteria. The Gut and Immune System Most people know the immune system is a vital part of overall health. Did you know that your gastrointestinal tract affects a large part of the immune system? There are hundreds of bacteria that are living in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but it is important to have higher...

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What are Prebiotics?

What are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics? You've heard of probiotics, but what are prebiotics? And what's the difference? Probiotics are bacteria that you definitely want in your gut for the health benefits they confer. They are contained in foods like yogurt, pickles (the refrigerated ones), olives, some cheeses and a number of exotic foods such as miso and kimchi, as well as food additives. These bacteria help in the treatment of problems like diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome and in keeping your colon healthy. But probiotics need food to survive and multiple. The cells that line the colon (colonocytes) and the good bacteria work together...

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Health Benefits of Power Greens


Health Benefits of Power Greens

We all know it's important to consume a fair share of daily greens. We know, deep down, that these greens are powerful nutritional storehouses, just waiting for us to take advantage of. They can even taste quite good if you know what you're doing in the kitchen.  Despite this, many people consume little to no greens in their daily diet. Here are five reasons you should change this. When it comes to reasons to eat greens, they're only the tip of the iceberg.  Greens Help Slow the Aging Process There are so many amazing compounds found in wild greens that...

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The Newest Keto Food Trend: How to Make Chaffles

The Newest Keto Food Trend: How to Make Chaffles

Whether you follow the actual ketogenic diet, or you are simply on a low carb diet, chaffles are going to be your next favorite thing. But what are chaffles?! Basically, they are waffles made from eggs and cheese – and that’s it! You will find out more below, but these can be eaten as waffles, turned into bread, or made into so many decadent meals and even desserts.  The Basic Chaffle Recipe There are a lot of different chaffle recipes out there, but it all started with just 2 ingredients – shredded cheese and an egg. It’s difficult to find the...

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