Foodie Love
Gluten Free Breakfast Ideas - Lift the Love

If you’ve been thinking about trying a gluten free diet, one of the most challenging meals of the day can be breakfast. This is when you tend to eat most of your carbs and gluten-filled foods during the day. Fortunately, there are a lot of products now available to help you get started in your gluten-free journey. The most important part of any journey is getting prepared so that you can stay on course and avoid temptations so that you can make good choices as you begin each day. The following article will share a few gluten-free breakfast ideas. Just Eggs ...
Ingredients to Avoid When You Are Cutting Out Gluten

When you’re first learning about the intricacies of the gluten-free diet and lifestyle, it’s probably seems like you’re going to have to get rid of and avoid an unbelievable amount of foods that you might enjoy. When you’re getting ready to make a major dietary change, the best thing you can do for yourself is to empower yourself with knowledge so that you can find success by fully experiencing the variety and nuances of food. The good news is that there are a lot of great ways to confront these issues, so this article will be primarily focusing on prepackaged...
Foods with Hidden Gluten

Manufactured food today is as much of a mystery, as it is a source of high sodium. As people become more familiar with the names for the proteins that are called gluten, somewhat unethical practices have arisen due to the lack of public outcry. Lawmakers spend tremendous amounts of money so they can trick people and continue selling nutritionally deficient food to the masses. If you’ve been feeling a bit concerned about gluten finding its way back into your life, then you might be interested in the following article that will show you foods with hidden gluten. Benign Sounding...
Benefits of Switching to a Gluten-Free Diet

If this is your first time hearing about the wonders of a gluten free diet, then you might have a lot of questions as to why anyone would want to give up the foods that they love, and take on the daily task of sanitizing their diet of anything that contains this little protein called gluten. In the effort to spread information about how living without gluten can help you achieve your health goals, this article has been compiled to share the benefits of switching to a gluten-free diet, just for if you have Celiac disease or a gluten intolerance,...
Eating Better to Manage Chronic Illness

Your overall health, mood, and energy levels are affected by your diet, and that is doubly true if you have a chronic illness. The food you eat has a real effect on how well you are able to function on a daily basis, and in some cases, a healthy diet can even help to slow down the progression of a disease. If you are chronically ill, think of a good diet as medicine, not just sustenance. Here are five things you can do to make sure your diet is boosting your overall health and wellness. Eat a Plant-Based Diet You...